Monday, November 21, 2011

Blending and Segmenting Activitity

When beginning readers sound out words, they slowly say each sound in a word (c-a-t), and then say the sounds quickly together to "read" the word (cat). In reading, teachers call this blending because sounds are being blended together. Blending (combining sounds) and segmenting (separating sounds) are skills that are necessary for learning to read.

Below is one of blending and segmenting activity that I've carried out in the classroom. Love to share it with you all here.
Step 1  : Pupils are divided into 5 groups.

Step 2 : Each group is given sets of phoneme cards and a picture.

Step 3 : Pupils hang the phoneme cards around their necks and rearrange them
            to form word that stressing on the phoneme /z/.

Step 4 : Pupils blend and say the word together.


zoo  z-oo  zoo

pizza  p-i-zz-a  pizza 

fizz  f-i-zz  fizz

buzz  b-u-zz  buzz 
zip  z-i-p  zip

Here are some resources for teachers to find more ideas of blending and segmenting games:

Our first hotdog booklet ^_*

Hotdog booklet is a fun and easy book that you and your children can make. They can write about a special activity or anything they enjoy. It’s handy to take in the car or put in your pocket. What you need to prepare are just a piece of A4 paper, a pair of scissors and coloured pencils. I've made hotdog booklet with my Year 1 and Year 2 pupils during English period. They were excited with the joy to write or draw something inside the 6 pages and the cover of the booklet. The books are then displayed in such a way that encourages pupils to read them. They were encouraged to read each others books too.
Teacher can try using these books for revision or as an assessment for other subjects too. Try then have fun of learning.

 Step by step...Let make the hotdog booklet together!

Picture 1 & 2 - Cover of the booklet.
Picture 3, 4, 5 & 6 - Contents of the booklet.

Cover of the booklet
Contents of the booklet
Front of the booklet
Back of the booklet
I love singing.
I like to eat cake.
Yummy Yummy
Year 1 -Ng Ai Rou
Year 1 -Edyln Lee
Year 1 -Chia Ke Xin
Year 1 -Chia Xin Ru
Year 1 -Chiong Jun Jie
Year 1 -Cheryl Chan
Year 1 -Tan Xin Yee
Year 1 -Kek Kai Ling
Year 1 -Seet Mun Yee
Year 1 -Foo Wan Jin
Year 1 -Lee Kar Qi
Year 1 -Fua Ziqiang
Year 1 -Angus Siew Jun Fai
Year 2 -Beh Yan Mei
Year 2 -Chua Hui Qi
Year 2 -Loo Zi Wei
Year 2 -Chia Zi Qi & Wai Jia Xin

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Making Hotdog Booklet

The Hot Dog Booklet has a front and back cover and six pages inside. You can use any size paper. For a book from recycled materials, use the front panel of a grocery bag or any piece of paper with writing on only one side. The writing should be on the inside when you make the first fold. To make multiple copies of a book, make a blank book with plain copy paper (no writing on either side). Write and illustrate your book with black marker or pen. Open the sheet and lay it face down on a copier. Make as many copies as you want. Fold and cut each one.

1. Fold the paper in half the long way, like a hot dog. 

2. Open the paper and fold it in half the short way, like a hamburger.

3. Take one layer of paper, flip the edge back to meet the fold, and crease.

4. Turn the paper over, flip the edge of the paper back to meet the fold,
   and crease. 

5. Place the paper on the table so that you see a "W" when you look at 
   the end.

6. Cut the center of the W along the center fold. You'll be cutting through 
   two layers of paper and stopping at the cross fold. 

7. With your wrists above your fingers, hold the two halves of the hot dog 
   from the top.

8. Turn your wrists to the sides. You will have an open book with four 

9. Bring three of the sections together. Fold the last section on top of the
   other three so that you have a flat book. 

Retrieved from:


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun of recite rhyme (1)

They clap their hands.
They mimic the action of the animals.
They recite the rhyme happily.
And they learn the sound of the animals.
Pupils wear the animal masks provided by teacher. They looked cute!
Pupils mimic the movements of the animals. 

Birds chirp,
chirp, chirp, chirp
Bees buzz,
buzz, buzz, buzz
Cats meow,
meow, meow, meow
Cows moo,
moo, moo, moo
Dogs bark,
woof, woof, woof
ducks quack,
quack, quack, quack

Pupils clap their hands while recite the rhyme "Sounds of Animals".

Pupils mimic the movements of the animals while recite the rhyme "Sounds of Animals".


Friday, November 18, 2011

How to teach children to hold a pencil?

I want to share a little tip today -- HOW TO TEACH CHILDREN TO HOLD A PENCIL. My colleague taught it to me many years ago. It's such a good idea, I couldn't keep it to myself. One of my Year 1 pupil unable to hold the pencil in the correct way. You probably know how hard it can be to explain to a child exactly how a pencil should "sit" properly in his or her little hands.

My colleague told me to teach the child hold the pencil this way:

1. Take a coin. Have the child pinch the coin in his/her pinky and ring finger.
   ( you can use others suitable materials to replace coin, etc button,
     tissue paper...)  

2. While the child still pinching the coin in those two fingers, tell him to
   hold the pencil in the remaining three fingers.

3. Markedly, the child will naturally hold the pencil in the right way as long
   as the coin is still in his 4th and 5th fingers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Phonics Sounds and Actions

My pupils love to learn phonics sounds with variety actions. The actions help them to memorize the sound of the letters. This is a fun way of learning phonics sounds. The pupils enjoy themselves very much.

s, a, t, p 

i, n, m, d

g, o, c, k

 ck, e, u, r

h, b, f, l

 j, v, w, x

y, z, qu


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