Introduction of KSSR English Curriculum Organisation
The Standard-Based English Language Curriculum for Malaysian Primary Schools is designed to provide pupils with a strong foundation in the English language. Teachers should use Standard British English as a reference and model for teaching the language. It should be used as a reference in terms of spelling and grammar as well as pronunciation for standardisation. This document is for use in the national type primary schools .
Primary education is divided into two stages: Stage One refers to Years 1, 2 and 3 and Stage Two, Years 4, 5 and 6.
In Years 1, 2 and 3 in national type schools, the English language curriculum emphasises the development of basic language skills so that pupils will have a strong foundation to build their proficiency in the language. In Years 1 and 2, there will only be four modules; namely:
Module One : Listening and Speaking
Module Two : Reading
Module Three : Writing
Module Four : Language Arts
In Years 3 - 6, grammar is added to the above four modules. Therefore, the modules are:
Module One : Listening and Speaking
Module Two : Reading
Module Three : Writing
Module Four : Language Arts
Module Five : Grammar
As English is the second language for pupils, it is believed prudent and pedagogically sound to defer the learning of grammar to a later stage. Pupils should be given the opportunity to develop an awareness of grammar in their first language and this awareness may then be exploited when English grammar is introduced in Year 3. This approach will reduce the load and stress of learning in the early years where the emphasis is on learning through fun and play.
Three broad themes have been identified in the curriculum.
1. World of Self, Family and Friends;
2. World of Stories;and
3. World of Knowledge