Friday, November 18, 2011

How to teach children to hold a pencil?

I want to share a little tip today -- HOW TO TEACH CHILDREN TO HOLD A PENCIL. My colleague taught it to me many years ago. It's such a good idea, I couldn't keep it to myself. One of my Year 1 pupil unable to hold the pencil in the correct way. You probably know how hard it can be to explain to a child exactly how a pencil should "sit" properly in his or her little hands.

My colleague told me to teach the child hold the pencil this way:

1. Take a coin. Have the child pinch the coin in his/her pinky and ring finger.
   ( you can use others suitable materials to replace coin, etc button,
     tissue paper...)  

2. While the child still pinching the coin in those two fingers, tell him to
   hold the pencil in the remaining three fingers.

3. Markedly, the child will naturally hold the pencil in the right way as long
   as the coin is still in his 4th and 5th fingers.


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